Automated ITSM Process Scoring

How can we compare apples and oranges?

With our PETE™ Score.

How can we compare apples and oranges?

With our PETE Score.

Different service providers, each specializing in unique areas, seem as compatible as comparing apples and oranges. Here’s where our PETE Score steps in, revolutionizing how service delivery is evaluated. By assessing service providers’ ITSM process execution with our AI-based algorithms, we can finally put apples and oranges on the same scale. It’s like translating different languages into a common one, letting us automatically measure, evaluate, and compare with precision.

This is the heart of automated ITSM process scoring.

Actionable Intelligence at Your Fingertips

IT Service Management (ITSM) systems hold an immense trove of data brimming with potential insights into service quality. Until now, generating these insights was like trying to read a foreign language.

Traditional ITSM reporting often provides raw data and limited interpretation, leaving a wealth of valuable information undiscovered. That’s where the PETE Score comes into play.

The Birth of the PETE Score

Introducing our invention: the groundbreaking concept of automated ITSM process scoring. Decades of collective wisdom from ITSM, ITIL®, IT operations, provider management, and process design converge here. We’ve taken these insights and transformed them into a method that brings clarity to the complexity of service quality assessment.

The Recipe of Automated ITSM Process Scoring

ITSM process scoring is a fusion of the finest AI ingredients:

  • Process mining techniques verified by Fraunhofer FIT and pioneered by Wil van Aalst,
  • Machine learning using
    • Random forest,
    • Neural networks, and
    • Advanced statistics.

Extraction and Transformation of Data

First, we extract all the relevant process data from our clients’ systems. These can be ITSM systems or other data sources. Then, our process mining algorithm does the prep work, transforming the data into an event log – a structured narrative of the process journeys. 

And guess what? If you have already an existing event log from another system (e.g. Celonis), we’ll still understand and work with it.

The Scoring Process

As a next step, our process scoring algorithm calculates a set of KPIs that reflect the end-to-end process execution. Then it assesses each KPI and provides a score, represented as a percentage.

The different KPI scores are grouped into three areas: ITSM process conformance, quality and speed.

Apply Weightings

Some KPI scores matter more to different clients. Our algorithm applies weights to the individual scores before aggregating them. Leveraging Customer Satisfaction Surveys (CSATs) and our carefully curated set of weightings, it ensures the ITSM process scoring is aligned to the user’s preferences.

Machine learning keeps these weights in check, fine-tuning them regularly to adjust to changing user preferences.

The PETE Score

Applying their individual weightings, we aggregate the KPI scores into sub scores representing the groups of ITSM process conformance, quality and speed.

The sub scores are further aggregated into process scores, and then form the PETE score: one single number, like a credit score.

The PETE Cockpit

With the PETE cockpit, you are empowered to take full control of your ITSM processes and providers. 

Don’t take our word for it, click the button below and experience PETE yourself.

This project was funded by the Mittelstand Innovativ & Digital (MID) program of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia.